Boryana - Map, location
On this page you can find a road map of Boryana. Satellite map of Boryana. Location and useful tourist information. GPS coordinates of sights from Bulgaria.
Information |
GPS: 43° 1′ 58.8″ N; 27° 16′ 1.2″ E
Towns, cities and resorts within a 60-km straight-line distance from Boryana:
Nessebar | Dolni chiflik municipality | Shumen |
Nessebar | Dolni chiflik municipality | Shumen |
Cultural and historical and natural landmarks within a 60-km straight-line distance from Boryana:
Archangels' Michael and Gabriel church -13th- 14th c, Nessebar | The St. Stephan church (New Metropolia) 10th 11thc., Nessebar | St. Sophia church (also known as the Old Metropolia) 5th - 6th c., Nessebar |
Archangels' Michael and Gabriel church -13th- 14th c, Nessebar | The St. Stephan church (New Metropolia) 10th 11thc., Nessebar | St. Sophia church (also known as the Old Metropolia) 5th - 6th c., Nessebar |
Villages and small populated areas within a 60-km straight-line distance from Boryana:
Bozveliysko | Tsonevo | Benkovski | Chernevo |
Bozveliysko | Tsonevo | Benkovski | Chernevo |
Interesting in the region Varna
Objects in the region Varna