Mount Botev

Information | Map
Mount Botev

Mount Botev is located in Middle Stara Planina and is its highest peak – 2376 m. it is the third highest peak in the country after Moussala and Vihren.

The peak comes within one of the biggest European national parks – the “Central Balkan” National park.

Middle Stara Planina also features the unique Raiski Skali (Paradise Rocks), from which the highest of all 300 waterfalls in Bulgaria – Raiskoto praskalo (Paradise spray) – comes down. It collects its waters from the eternal snow-drift located on the very Mount Botev. The height of the waterfall is 124.5 m and is highest on the entire Balkan Peninsula.

Tourists who have enjoyed the beauty of nature may take a rest at “Rai” (Paradise) chalet, located in the foot of Mount Botev at 1,560 m above sea level.