The Founders of the Bulgarian State Curtural Complex

The Founders of the Bulgarian State Curtural Complex - Map, location

On this page you can find a road map of The Founders of the Bulgarian State Curtural Complex. Satellite map of The Founders of the Bulgarian State Curtural Complex. Location and useful tourist information. GPS coordinates of sights from Bulgaria.
Information | Map
GPS: 43°15'43.67"N; 26°55'20.34"E
Towns, cities and resorts within a 60-km straight-line distance from The Founders of the Bulgarian State Curtural Complex:
Isperih | Novi Pazar | Kaspichan | Shumen |
Cultural and historical and natural landmarks within a 60-km straight-line distance from The Founders of the Bulgarian State Curtural Complex:
The Thracian Tomb near Sveshtari Village | Pliska | The Shumen fortress |
Villages and small populated areas within a 60-km straight-line distance from The Founders of the Bulgarian State Curtural Complex:
Asparuhovo | Naum | Tsonevo |