Cities and resorts >> Loznitsa


Information | Map

Loznitsa municipality is located in North-East Bulgaria in the hilly Danube Plain and occupies the central eastern part of Razgrad District. The Municipality consists of 1 town (municiapl center Loznitsa) and 15 villages. It is at an almost equal distance from the three large neighboring towns - Razgrad, Targovishte and Shoumen. The municipality has predominantly hilly relief with an average altitude of 370 m above sea level. Its territory is in the moderate continental climatic belt.

The natural and climatic conditions, as well as the fertile land favor the cultivation of cereals and industrial crops. Growing of vineyards, orchards and vegetables is a traditional means of livelihood. Here in the loudogorie region is the place where the once famous American vine which gave the name to the town Loznitsa was first brought and successfully planted.

Loznitsa Municipality boasts a clean environment. The wealth of natural and cultural resources of Loznitsa is conducive to the integrated development of eco- and rural tourism. The near future holds prospects for the development of fishing tourism, which is closely related to the large number of dams and fish farming ponds in the region of the Municipality.

Cities and villages in Loznitsa municipality: Village of Beli Lom, Village of Chudomir, Village of Gorotsvet, Village of Gradina, Village of Kamenar, Village of Kroyach, Village of Lovsko, Town of Loznitsa, Village of Manastirsko, Village of Manastirtsi, Village of Seydol, Village of Sinya voda, Village of Studenets, Village of Trapishte, Village of Trubach, Village of Veselina