Bulgaria castles >> Tsepina fortress

Tsepina fortress - Map, location

On this page you can find a road map of Tsepina fortress. Satellite map of Tsepina fortress. Location and useful tourist information. GPS coordinates of sights from Bulgaria.
Information | Map
GPS: 42° 5'8.34"N; 24° 7'25.37"E
Towns, cities and resorts within a 60-km straight-line distance from Tsepina fortress:
Batak | Devin | Dolna Banya | Vasil Petleshkov | Pazardzhik | Saedinenie |
Cultural and historical and natural landmarks within a 60-km straight-line distance from Tsepina fortress:
Tsepina fortress |
Villages and small populated areas within a 60-km straight-line distance from Tsepina fortress:
Mugla | Oborishte | Tsar Asen |